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Being Thankful Beyond The Holidays: Cultivating A Life of Gratitude And Celebration

By Dr. Robert L. Wilson Jr.

If you're anything like me and love holidays, food, family, and fellowship this topic will be of interest to you. What topic? Gratitude! Often, I hear people talk about being grateful and being thankful for what you have, both small and large things. Although this is true how do you do it? Many times, you are encouraged to be grateful and thankful but not educated or enlightened on how to do it. This is the whole reason that I'm writing this blog. I want people to know that you can be grateful and thankful regardless of your circumstances or situations. What? But Robert, how can I do that? Well, I'm glad you asked. I would like to introduce not only the concept of being thankful beyond the holidays but also the application and practice of cultivating a life of gratitude and celebration. Well Robert, how can I be grateful and thankful if life is happening to me and not for me? You can change your state. What do you mean to change your state? Gratitude and Thanksgiving are states or feelings that you experience and can control intentionally and strategically. According to NLP states relate or are defined as our internal emotional condition.

This is an amazing time of year! It brings for me an attitude of gratitude, appreciation, self-reflection, and celebration. Because I enjoy it so much, I started thinking some years ago about how I can cultivate the thoughts, feelings, and lifestyle associated with this time of year all year long. Well Robert, what happened? Did you figure out how to do it? The answer is yes! Not only did identify it but I want to help you do the same.

The first area I want to discuss is perspective. How you see things determines how they are for you. Your outer reality is based on your inner reality which is determined by the lens through which you view yourself, relationships, life, etc. Your state or states or feelings are impacted by your perspective. Your perspective or the lens or filter through which you see or perceive things impacts and influences your reality and results. Here to cultivate your perspective you must first notice how you see things. Here NLP term that comes to mind that is beneficial is perceptual position. It means you can change your positions of perception which changes your state, your feelings, and results. I remember the late Dr. Wayne Dyer saying, "If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." Things look different when it's you versus someone else's point of view versus a neutral observer's point of view. You have the ability and capacity to change your points of view whenever you want. This is called being resourceful or choosing a state that serves you well.

The next area I would like to discuss is your attitude. Your attitude can be summed up as the feeling or feelings that you have, for, around, or towards something. Again, another state that you have access to at any given time and can shift if it's not serving you. You can cultivate an attitude of gratitude or a feeling of being grateful and thankful for yourself, your life, those in your life, and the many blessings that you choose to intentionally count. Attitude is also how you posture your position purposefully. I remember hearing that your attitude affects altitude or whether you are having a positive state or feeling determines how far and how high you go in life. That concept works here and cultivates a life of Thanksgiving and gratitude by choosing positive feelings and attitudes such as love, excitement, thankfulness, generosity, enjoyment, and appreciation as examples.

Now we will discuss gratitude. Yes, this is another state. Your gratitude is your appreciation and degree of thankfulness that you have or are feeling. Gratitude has a lot to do with your decision-making and choices to be grateful. Again, it is a position or state that you choose that impacts and raises your frequency and vibration which determines the things and results you attract. This is where things like the law of vibration and the law of attraction all work for or against you. These laws operate in alignment with your state whether positive or negative. Gratitude is a positive and high-frequency vibration that attracts positivity and good to you.

Celebration is all about your feeling of worthiness and deservingness. Your worthiness and deservingness impact your capacity to celebrate you. This is another state. However, celebration is not limited to your celebrating others but uniquely how you celebrate yourself. Self-love, worthiness, and deservingness impact your capacity and ability to celebrate receiving greater levels of things and a life worth being grateful for. This is limitless. Many people are good at celebrating others but have trouble and challenges celebrating themselves. That's why it's truly important as I introduced the concept of celebration starting with the individual by loving themselves, and seeing themselves as worthy, and deserving of all the good things they desire and want in their lives. This is not limited to just your needs but that your needs are taken care of as well as your wants and desires.

Your perspective, attitude, gratitude, and how you celebrate must be cultivated into your daily life practices. There are a multitude of ways, strategies, techniques, and practices that can be utilized to cultivate a positive perspective, attitude, gratitude, and celebration in your life. One thing that I use daily in my life is a journal. In the journal at the top, I write gratitude and 10 things I'm grateful for. This could be things about me, about others, things that have already happened, things that are currently happening, or things that I would like to see happen in my life in the future. Then at the bottom part of my other journal, I write 10 things that I celebrate about myself. Now for this, the instructions are to write 10 things about you. Why Robert? Because this taps directly into your loving yourself, and feelings of worthiness and deservingness that are critical to cultivating a life of gratitude and Thanksgiving. When I first started using this it took me a while to truly identify things, I celebrated about me. I was used to thinking about what others said about me, I was not used to thinking about or noticing things about me that I celebrated. Give yourself some grace in this space. It may take a little while for you to get comfortable and confident and identify things about you that you truly want to celebrate. You are awesome and amazing and that is something that you must capture and cultivate in how you see yourself.

In conclusion, you can live a life by being thankful beyond the holidays. This life must be intentionally and strategically cultivated incorporating a positive perspective, attitude, gratitude, and celebration as the main ingredients. You must cultivate your noticing skills and awareness of the different states that you are in. Recognize that you can choose and shift your state to be more resourceful. It's important to understand how to shift and change your state. Positive states are resourceful and negative states are unresourceful. You decide whether the state that you are in is serving you or if you want to change it. Be thankful beyond the holidays and cultivate a life of gratitude and celebration.

For additional information about services, products, or programs

Please contact me:

Dr. Robert L. Wilson Jr., DSL, CPLC, CWC

Owner & Principal Consultant

Robert Wilson Consulting

Wilson Global Outreach Solutions, LLC

Global Solutions Education and Training Academy



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